This message is for everyone, from any religion, creed, color, race or beliefs.
This is a message of LOVE for you and your family as a special gift at the closing of 2009.
At this time of the year there is a great opportunity to 'Create The Love', within yourself as well as all around you.
You can personally start by trying to finish off any negative issues that came up for you in 2009.
Starting a personal negative cleansing ready for the new year ahead, letting go of anything that wont help you to move on. When you do this for yourself, you are making way for the new to come in to your life. This brings peace, harmony and balance, to be the for bearers for these new experiences ahead of you.
If you are not rejuvenated, then you can not shine, and be the beautiful human being that you were created to be. You are so important to those around you and those you are about to meet and your impact on the world as a whole.
Creating The Love around you is so very important, the simplest of deeds, such as helping someone with their groceries, showing a beautiful smile to a complete stranger as you pass them. Thanking someone for good service. You never know just who you are talking to, what their circumstances are, what their personal challenges are and how you could impact their life.
Another HUGE effort is the miracle of prayer, for those that are homeless, starving, feeling unloved, suffering, unwell, grieving, the lonely, those in war torn countries, dying, addicted, in pain, lost, imprisoned, down trodden, mentally/physically/sexually/emotionally abused, silenced, burdened just to name a few.
Even though it is a season of celebration their are still many suffering! Creating The Love with your prayers worldwide is such a positive action to send this light around the planet, uplifting the load for many.
As a huge collective mass of people we are able to accomplish so much TOGETHER. So lets wrap up 2009, by ending old negative ways and re-charging with a vigour for life and all its capabilities, possibilities and plan for a better YOU in 2010. Serving the planet with more respect and showing your appreciation for Mother Earth for providing our home, resources, food, shelter and the natural beauty she provides all around us.
We are a gift, we are one, we are love, we are life, we are the lights and the beacons for a new future. Shine on brothers and sisters!
Keep 'Creating The Love' ... ♥Leanna♥
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