Over the willow-the-wisps and far away ..
I caught a glimpse of your nakedness ..
So pure, so delicate, innocent ..
Your soul gleaming by the moonlight ..
Lilies shining from your reflection ..
Your aura extending outwards ..
Reaching and flowing through the energy of LOVE ..
I stood in wonder within this moment ..
As I absorbed it all in like a child ..
I sensed your warmth, your gracious ways ..
The nourishment of a mother's love ..
Fill me .. Oh beauty filled one ..
Fill me with all that you are ..
I am your servant .. Your bearer ..
Oh my beloved Divine .. I am LOVE .. I am thine ..
Leanna Mackenzie© 2010-All rights reserved
Keep 'Creating the Love' in your life ....... Leanna
Keep 'Creating the Love' in your life ....... Leanna