22 June 2010


Over the willow-the-wisps and far away ..
I caught a glimpse of your nakedness ..
So pure, so delicate, innocent ..
Your soul gleaming by the moonlight ..
Lilies shining from your reflection ..
Your aura extending outwards ..
Reaching and flowing through the energy of LOVE ..
I stood in wonder within this moment ..
As I absorbed it all in like a child ..
I sensed your warmth, your gracious ways ..
The nourishment of a mother's love ..
Fill me .. Oh beauty filled one ..
Fill me with all that you are ..
I am your servant .. Your bearer ..
Oh my beloved Divine .. I am LOVE .. I am thine ..
Leanna Mackenzie© 2010-All rights reserved

Keep 'Creating the Love' in your life ....... Leanna

You can also connect with me on

If you add me, please let me know that we have connected from my blog, thank you!

~ Be The Driver - Of Your Own Destiny ~

Be the driver of your own magnificent life!
No-one else has the same destination .. 
Therefore do not give up your path .. 
Let your ups and downs be the street lights guiding your way .. 
Allow the speed humps to take you on the next journey ..
For over the top of the next hill may be a wondrous valley of LOVE that opens your life blossoms .. 
That sing with the wonders of nature .. 
Never be tormented by your challenges .. 
They are blessings in disguise ..
Go forth in the honor of your gift of life without fear ..
As love is eternally yours ..
No matter where you are on your journey's way!!!

Leanna Mackenzie© 2010-All rights reserved 

Keep 'Creating the Love', in your life ......... Leanna.

I would also like to connect with you at:

If you do request to add me, let me know that you found me via my blog, thank you!

02 June 2010

*¨`* ♥ Allow Your Ship of Love to Sail ♥ *¨`*

No matter how heartbroken you may be ...
No matter what emptiness you may feel ...
There is ...
100% love in your heart ...
It is waiting for a green light from you ...
Give it ..
Give your heart every opportunity to go where it wills ..
Remove the anchor from your heart ...
Allow your ship of love to sail ... 

♥.•*¨`*•♫ ..•´♥* Leanna ♥.•*¨`*•♫ ..•´♥*
Keep 'creating the love' in your life 
You can also connect with me at:
If you do request to add me, please let me know that you found me at my blog, as it would be fantastic to connect with you there also. Don't forget I love to hear from you so please leave me a comment.

01 June 2010

♥~ Place Your Heart In My Hand ~♥

We met beside a crystal lake
You said your heart was broken
Needing healing, to meditate
I lent over and whispered in your ear
Place your heart in my hand my dear
To lighten the heaviness of its load
I Bathed it in god's healing light
Renewing the energy, now aglow
I wrapped it tenderly in my love
Cradling, gently rocking it in my arms
Singing songs of joy and happiness
While you rested on the sand
I gently layed your heart to rest
Within your human vessel the chest
The tears that gently slid down your face
Now had a richer meaning in a better place
We stood up together side by side,
Holding hands within peace and harmony
Strengthened together to travel the next journey
Within LOVE ♥* A fresh start ♥* A new beginning

Copyright Leanna Mackenzie © 2010-All rights reserved

Keep 'creating the love' in your life ....... Leanna

You can also connect with me on:
Please let me know that you found me at my blog, so I know where we connected from, thank you! Don't forget to leave me a comment, so I know what you think of my blog.